Dmitry Davydenko

Partner, Head of practice of international arbitration

Tel: +7 (495) 151 88 87




Since 2004 Dmitry has practiced as a lawyer in leading Russian law firms. Specialized in Private international law, Law of international trade, Cross-border litigation, International contracts, International commercial arbitration, Mediation, Recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments and arbitral awards, Maritime law.

He participated in the implementation of a number of complex projects. He worked with such clients as Rabobank, Rosneft, Renaissance Insurance, Loral Space & Communications (USA), Baltiyskiy Zavod, Rostelecom, Ryazan Metal Ceramic Instruments Plant, Moscow City Golf Club, SPIG s.p.a. (a large Italian supplier of equipment for hydroelectric power plants), LISEMCO (a large Vietnamese company for the production of equipment for industrial enterprises), etc.

Dmitry regularly provides expert reports on Russian law for courts and international arbitral proceedings. He participated in the project on reforming business law in Kazakhstan as an international expert (2018).

He has experience of hearing cases as an arbitrator, including under the rules of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), the ICAC and the Maritime Arbitration Commission at the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the Russian Arbitration Center, as well as a mediator. He is listed as a recommended arbitrator by all major Russian arbitral institutions.

Fluent in English. He is also proficient in French and Italian and is confident in German.


  • Drafting legal opinions on Russian substantive, procedural law and conflict-of-laws for judicial and arbitral proceedings, as well as for other purposes. Taking part in oral hearings as a Russian law expert.
  • Representing clients in international arbitral proceedings, in cases of recognition and enforcement of foreign judjments and arbitral awards, challenging arbitral awards.
  • Legal support in negotiations and mediation, assistance in resolving conflicts, drafting amicable agreements.
  • Advising on arbitration and ADR.
  • Included in the list of the best practitioners in Russia in the field of international arbitration (Who's Who Legal and GAR 2017 – 2021). A “Global leader” for 2022.


  • Preparation of legal opinions and expert reports: civil law, civil and commercial procedure, private international law, maritime law, including for submission to the court as evidence.
  • Coordination of the work of teams of lawyers in various jurisdictions in international litigation and international arbitration, incl. for debt collection.
  • Protecting the interests of international companies in arbitration proceedings and litigations, incl. on the recognition and enforcement of foreign and arbitral awards, challenging arbitration awards.
  • Development of legal positions and recommendations of the best way to resolve a dispute.
  • Negotiating and drafting settlement agreements on complex disputes.

Professional Activity​

  • In 2004, a lawyer at the law firm Monastyrskiy, Zyuba, Stepanov and Partners.
  • From 2005 to 2016 associate, then senior associate of the Muranov, Chernyakov & Partners Law firm.
  • 2017 – 2019 Chief Expert of the Center for Arbitration and Mediation of the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Executive Secretary of the Maritime Arbitration Commission at the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
  • Since 2020 – Executive Secretary of the Expert Council of the ICC Russia Arbitration Commission.
  • From September 2019 to the present – Associate Professor of the Department of Private International and Civil Law at MGIMO University Russia and the Department of Legal Regulation of Business at the National Research University Higher School of Economics.


Dmitry Davydenko teaches at Russian and international universities, in particular, private international law, international commercial and investment arbitration, Russian civil procedure, transportation law, mediation and ADR. He regularly participates in conferences on these subjects as a speaker or moderator.

Director of the CIS Arbitration Forum, an analytical resource dedicated to the resolution of business disputes in the countries of the former USSR and Eastern Europe.

Dmitry Davydenko has numerous publications in international and Russian magazines, including:

  • Consent Awards in International Arbitration: From Settlement to Enforcement (November 7, 2015) (with Yarik Kryvoi). Brooklyn Journal of International Law, Volume 40, pp. 827-868, 2015. Available at SSRN:
  • Russia // Law and Practice of International Arbitration in the CIS Region (in co-authorship with A.A. Kostin), Kluwer Arbitration. 2017. P. 255 – 310.
  • References of Parties from Russia and Eastern Europe to Informal Agreements in Arbitral Proceedings and Proceedings in State Courts // Kieler Ostrechts Notizen. 2020. 12. P. 39 – 41.
  • Recognition and Enforcement of Mediated Settlement Agreements Internationally: Enhancing the Use Of Arbitration // ADR Centurion. August 2021. Volume 2. Issue 13. P. 16 – 18.
  • Transnational Dispute Settlement at the International Commercial Arbitration Court at the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry // Transnational Dispute Management Journal MARIS. The Netherlands. Volume 17 – Issue # 01 – January 2020.
  • International Commercial Arbitration Court (ICAC) and Maritime Arbitration Commission (MAC) at the Russian Federation Chamber of Commerce and Industry // World Arbitration Reporter. Second edition. JurisNet LLC. 2019. Volume 2. National Arbitration Institutions. P. 1 – 101.


  • Ph.D. in law (MGIMO, Russia, 2004).
  • In 2001, he graduated with honors from the Moscow State Institute of International Relations of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs with a degree in international law.
  • In 2004 he defended his thesis at MGIMO on the topic “Amicable agreement as a means of out-of-court settlement of private law disputes” for the Ph.D. degree.
  • Lexology 2021 Client Choice Award Winner “Arbitration and ADR”.