Best Advice & Co is a team of outstanding professionals. When was the last time you saw lawyers with fire in their eyes, for whom winning your case is as important as if it was their own? Lawyers, who are deeply involved in the complex legal process of forming and proving your case, who send great amounts of inquiries to the competent authorities, obtaining evidence that you didn’t even think about? Lawyers, taking on the representatives of the opposing side with legal arguments and documents, regardless of their number and place in agency rankings? A team of legal experts able to immediately react to unforeseen circumstances, concentrate their efforts and win? Come visit our bar association, and I will personally introduce you to them.

Entrust us with your legal situation and we will show you how to get out of it in the best possible manner: we will carefully analyze it and propose a strategy of further actions for you. I assure you that we will remain partners for as long as it will be beneficial to you.

In court we are tigers – and predators do not give up.

Best regards, attorney-in-law

What we do

юридическая компания

Litigation in Russian and foreign courts

We represent clients in all types of disputes in arbitration courts and courts of general jurisdiction of all levels, including the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation.

услуги юриста

International commercial arbitration

We represent clients in all well-known international centers of arbitration, including The International Commercial Arbitration Court at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation (the ICAC at the RF CCI), Maritime Arbitration Commission (MAC at the RF CCI), ICC, SCC, AAA, SIAC, ICAC, ad-hoc arbitration under UNCITRAL rules at all stages of proceedings, including conclusion and execution of an arbitration agreement. We also offer advisory services on the procedures of conducting such cases.


We are proud of our considerable portfolio of positive precedent-forming rulings in bankruptcy cases. We have extensive experience in solving cases from the sides of various participants of bankruptcy procedures and we act on the side of debtors, creditors, participants in transactions, interested parties and more.


We provide a full range of legal services on corporate law issues both in Russia and abroad. Mergers & Acquisitions, as well as countering illegal attempts to seize a business through the use of corporate procedures are areas of particular interest for us.

Юрист в сфере договорного права


We provide a wide range of services in the field of contract law. Namely, we specialize in preparation and review of any civil law contracts, including foreign economic transactions. We are especially interested in investment contracts, concession agreements, intellectual property contracts and corporate contracts.


We protect the rights and interests of citizens and organizations at all stages of the criminal process (inquiry, preliminary investigation, trial in court) in any procedural position (suspect, accused, defendant, victim, witness), including cases involving jurors. Our lawyers have experience of acquittals and terminations of criminal cases before sentencing. We also actively help in rehabilitation and obtaining decent compensations for illegal criminal prosecution.


Our lawyers and attorneys were at the origin of the formation of the customs policy of the Russian Federation, participated in work groups on the development of the customs legislation. Because of that, we are proud to say that there is no one better than us in customs cases.


We do not just specialize in court insurance cases on insurance claims – our specialists possess all the necessary knowledge and experience in managing and creating insurance and reinsurance companies, insurance brokers, licensing, international reinsurance. We know this subject from the inside out like nobody else, since we have created multiple insurance companies.

Pre-trial dispute resolution and mediation

When resolving disputes, we strive to resolve them peacefully on mutually beneficial terms for the parties. Our experts are professional mediators, capable of turning any complicated conflict into a positive scenario through the use of mediation techniques and ending it with a correctly drawn up meditative agreement.


We have a large portfolio of positive decisions in disputes with government bodies of different levels on matters of recognition of illegality of their actions (or inaction). We are engaged in protecting the interests of organizations and officials in cases of them being brought to administrative responsibility for any offenses. On top of that, we know how to significantly reduce the cadastral value of any property, regardless of the region it is located in.


We are experts in the field of intellectual property and data protection. We provide and build the concept of protecting your intellectual work, regardless of whether you wrote a book or developed sophisticated software. Protection of intellectual rights is possible regardless of the jurisdictions protecting them.

Provision of expert opinion on application and interpretation of Russian law to foreign courts and arbitrations

We have been repeatedly invited to foreign courts in Italy, France, Morocco and Montenegro as experts in Russian law. On top of that, our professionals can give expert opinions on the law of European Union, especially on the law of France and Italy. 


We provide the full range of legal services concerning labor relations. We can conduct a full audit of personnel policy, as well as help to interact with labor and tax inspectorates and other bodies on the matters of compliance with labor laws. We will represent you in any dispute of any stage, regardless if you are an employer or an employee.


We provide services of judicial and extrajudicial challenging of tax bodies’ decisions and of actions (or inaction) of tax officials, including challenging the results of field and tax audits, disputes about rights and obligations of parties to legal tax relations, tax reporting and disputes regarding the accuracy of calculation and completeness of tax payments and other obligatory payments. We represent taxpayers in their relationships with tax authorities, give advice on tax legislation to foreign companies, as well as advice on taxation of investment projects abroad, and more.


We provide advice in a variety of industries, including energy, telecommunications, distribution relations and fields of housing and communal services, pharmaceuticals and more. We represent the client’s interests during proceedings of cases by antitrust authorities and courts in all the regions of the country. We successfully protect our clients in cases of violations in public procurement procedures, in economic litigation related to the application of competition law.


We will help to recognize and to enforce the decisions of foreign state courts in Russia, as well as international arbitration courts, regardless of the country of their jurisdiction.

Who we are

We specialize in representing the interests of clients in complicated arbitration and litigation disputes.

We are practicing judicial lawyers with extensive knowledge of multiple business industries.

We implement our personal experience and the practice of judicial representation we have developed over decades into any legal framework of the task entrusted to us.

Our team has not only Russian but also French lawyers, which allows us to conduct business across Russia and Europe.

Our team is extensively involved in every project, which allows us to always come up with a new, non-standard, sometimes even innovative and creative solution to any situation.

Partners and employees

Why do clients choose us?

We handle each case as our own. For us, it is not at all important which side has the power, it is important whose side the law will take. In court we are tigers – and predators do not give up.

Monetary value of the cases we’ve won
Number of cases in Russian and foreign state courts
Number of cases won in 2021

Moscow, Krasnaya Presnya St. 29, 4th floor, Office #15

Contact us