Shiryalin Mikhail​

Honorary Attorney at Law of Russia​

Tel: +7 (495) 151 88 87




Member of the Bar since 2019. Mikhail Egorovich has more than 20 years of experience in advocacy, specializing in criminal matters. Mikhail was awarded the Medal of Honorary Attorney at Law of Russia, was repeatedly awarded with diplomas of the Russian Federal Bar Association and The Inter-Republic Bar Association of Moscow for his high professional skills in protecting constitutional rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of citizens and for a number of acquittals ordered by the courts in respect of the defendants.​

Being an Attorney at law, for several years Mikhail was a member of the expert commission on the legislation of the Moscow City Duma, as well as an independent expert advisor to the Head of the administration of one of the districts of the Moscow Region on issues of compliance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation of draft by-laws issued by the Council of Deputies of the district.​

The main professional activity is related to the protection of individuals and legal entities in the bodies of inquiry, preliminary investigation and in the courts of all instances in criminal cases, including in especially complex criminal cases in the field of economic activity, traffic accidents, official crimes, crimes against life and health, property crimes.​

Mostly Mikhail protects individuals and legal entities in the bodies of inquiry, bodies conducting pre-trial investigations and in the courts of all instances in criminal cases, including in especially complex criminal cases in the field of economic activity, traffic accidents, official crimes, crimes against life and health, crimes against property.​

A lot of defendants supported by Mikhail were acquitted by courts; the bodies of inquiry and preliminary investigation terminated dozens of criminal cases against suspects on rehabilitative grounds, or their actions were re-qualified under other articles of the Criminal code of the Russian Federation, providing for a milder sentence.​